The series received a lot of attention and favorable reactions in the media.
Mythical Stones is a discovery guide that guides travelers along the megaliths of Europe. The traveler will automatically visit the most beautiful places and all kinds of other sights. Mythical Stones offers a different perspective on the countries of Europe, from the eyes of our prehistoric ancestors.
Each part contains hundreds of color photographs. Part 1 is already translated in English.
Now with free 3D glasses!
Mythische Stenen Deel 1: Nederland
In deel 1 van Mythische Stenen begint de auteur zijn ontdekkingsreis bescheiden. Met zijn camper sta.....
Mythische Stenen Deel 2: Duitsland
In deel 2 van Mythische Stenen vervolgt de auteur zijn reis naar de hunebedden in het westen van Ned.....
Megalithen - Die Ursprüng megalithischer Kulturen in Europa - German version
For the English version klick here. ERSCHEINT AM 25. NOVEMBER 2023 Bestellen Sie jetzt und.....
Megaliths - The Origin of Megalithic Cultures in Europe
APPEARING ON NOVEMBER 25, 2023 For orders placed before November 1, 2023: Free access.....
Megaliths - The Origin of Megalithic Cultures in Europe - Dutch version
Please take a look at the English Translation here......
Mythische Stenen Deel 6: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
This book is not yet translated in English. If you want to purchase large amounts, please contact us.....
Mythische Stenen Deel 7: Zweden en Noorwegen
In deel 7 van Mythische Stenen trekt de auteur langs de hunebedden van Zweden en enkele in Noorwegen.....